Thank You
- Your help is of great importance to us.
- Thank you for having a big heart for these people and for your help.
- Through your help, we can feed many families.
- We can provide clothes and shoes for many children.
- We can buy medicine for the elderly.
- We can also help in the further educational development of young children.
Thank you so much!

Beneficiary bank: Addiko bank a.d. Beograd
Name of the beneficiary: Humanitarno udruzenje – PUT, ISTINA i ZIVOT
Address of the beneficiary: Beograd, Mirijevski venac 22/3, Republic of Serbia
For donations in Euro
IBAN code: RS35165000701149679706
Swift/BIC code: HAABRSBG
For donations in US dolars
IBANcode: RS35165000701149683586
Swift/BIC code: HAABRSBG
For donation from Serbia/ in Serbian dinars
Bank Account: 165-0007011388568-34
We are also always available to you by email:
If you want to contact us via an email here is our contact us page