Stanivuk family

Dear friends and partners of the humanitarian organization Put Istina i Život.

We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you all because thanks to all of you we managed to make the single mother Milica Stanivuk from Čurug happy as well as her children who started a new life after 11 years of darkness and difficult life circumstances.

With your help and engagement, our family received:

  • New electricity connection – electricity💡💡
  • Monthly support of 500 euros for the next 6 months
  • Groceries worth 30,000 dinars every month
  • New wood stove
  • New hammered stove
  • A new washing machine
  • A new clothes dryer
  • New electric stove
  • New fridge
  • New freezer
  • A new TV, and another used one
  • The children received phones and laptops
  • 100 fattening chickens and a complete set of food for fattening will arrive soon
  • We bought 4 new bikes for three for the older 🚲🚲 little ones for school, and one for Milica’s mother to purchase. 🚲🚲
  • Also, with the help of you noble and humane people, we employed Ivana in a health food store and are preparing her for part-time education.
  • A monthly ticket was also provided for Ivana during her schooling.

What this family received in particular and what they will surely never forget is your unconditional love, support and humanity that restored their faith and hope in life.

We sincerely thank each of you who participated wholeheartedly in this action and contributed to the new beginning of this wonderful family.

Thank you for existing!